We are a visual art/records collective on a quest for a ‘Pesolife’: a way of living that values substantive/artistic endeavours over the accumulation of capital and materialistic riches. The Pesolife Art Collective is committed to the creation of substantive audio-visual artworks in music, production, songwriting, filmmaking and photography. Our endeavours are guided by our solidarity in taking up creative journeys and maverick processes explored both independently and collaboratively. The Pesolife Art Collective by three main artists, Secaina Hudson (Mars Meddo), Kalina Blaize (Kay Orbit) who are both multi-talented singers, songwriters and music producers and Nathaniel Télémaque (St.Peso) a visual artist, writer and researcher.
Frequently collaborating on distinct projects together and with other creative practitioners, the Pesolife Art Collective also run various series of audio-visual arts and research-focused workshops as a way of sharing their practices with others. The collective has an established record of collaborating with educational institutions, companies and community groups by combining its audio-visual practices with pedagogical engagements taken up with people and places.
The Pesolife Art Collective has been commissioned by various groups and organisations, such as The Institute of Contemporary Arts (ICA), Ableton, Metroland Cultures, Birmingham City University, UCL, Brent 2020 and Nike. Through a combination of St.Peso’s visual arts practices in photography and self-publishing the Pesolife Art Collective has also published a series of photobooks and zines, which have led to the organisation of exhibitions and installations.
Additionally, Mars Meddo & Kaye Orbit’s creative works in music production, singing and songwriting have seen them create recorded songs which have been released both independently and by Pesolife’s record label collaborations with Crate Classics. These songs are available to download on all streaming services and have been played on live radio via BBC 1XTRA, BBC Radio 1. Many of Mars Meddo & Kaye Orbit’s productions are also played, during their monthly Reprezent Radio Pesolife show (Every 1st Friday of the month from 3-5PM).
A life lived with values and ideals that differ from that of the mainstream. The Pesolife ethos is an emancipative acknowledgement of western neoliberal capitalistic society. Capital (money) is devalued from the all powerful, glamorous and beautiful thing it is believed to be, to what it truly is… A simple mode of exchange.
We strive to be wealthy, not rich. Wealthy in life. We concede to the simple ideal that there is far more to life, than the attainment of materialistic riches and money. What we endeavour for and pursue ought to be guided by what we deem to be ‘right’ and not what a capitalistic society dictates to be ‘right’. Do not let a pointless pursuit of money guide the entirety of your life. Rather invest yourself in real things of value. Things like trustworthy social bonds, the arts, or simply living good in harmony within your locale.
In attempt to ‘live’ life ‘right’ one ought to seek out enlightenment in their everyday life. As individuals we believe we should develop a strong resolve for the engagement of virtuous actions, the type that are not guided by a desire for materialistic riches. Do what you love, and love what you do.
Put simply emancipate your mind-set from the capitalist rat race, drink more water, eat healthier and see the world. Discover a way life that is right for you, ensure it comes from within and finally live it, laugh with it and smile. The Pesolife is better lived than it is described.
YYou’re winning. The universe has favour in you.
A small collection of images drawn out from the Pesolife archives, which document our summertime joy, creative processes, audio-visual artworks and projects we’ve made with the our homies and peers.

For most the term ‘Peso’ denotes a low currency of Spanish origin. Usually countries that use Pesos have some imperialistic/colonial ties to a previous Spanish empire. We have appropriated the term for our own philosophical use. When we refer to Peso’s we do so in a manner that we are referring to all currencies. Be it £’s $’s or ¥. Point blank, money within our eyes despite notions of varying values are all Pesos.
A Peso is low in it’s worth, exchange rate and has little local purchasing power. Frankly it is this notion of low value that we attach to all forms of money and capital. Far to often within a western society we find that money is unjustly put WE ARE PESPlorious pedestal. It alone is desperately yearend for and slaved for. People fight over it and people die over it. Divided we are conquered and as individuals we are segregated.
Though just like anyone else we need to eat, sleep and clothe ourselves, and the primary way to do so is through an attainment of money. Though it goes without saying, we acknowledge the manners in which we are conditioned and the ways in which our societies are structured. So essentially one cannot go very far without capital. We too live within a western society where we have to work for money to live comfortably and purchase the commodities we so love.
However what makes people like us different is that we can perceive money for what it is. A simple tool of exchange. It is with this perception that we insist whilst one cannot go without capital, there is no need for one to dedicate their entire livelihoods to its pursuit. There is no need for money to be placed upon a pedestal and idolised. We encourage others to think past the pursuit of money and discover real things of real value to their livelihoods. We refuse and rebuke any top-down rhetoric that insist it knows what is best for us, and seek out our own truth.
Our days on this Earth are short if not already past their expiration dates. To the corporates, elites and governments that run our cities, countries and wider societies we are merely commodities. So the questions one ought to ask are; why should we live like commodities? What do I truly value and what do I truly seek? This dear friend is first half of the philosophical concept that is ‘Pesolife’
We know we are not alone in our mindset and cordially welcome others like or unlike us. We are a collective of creatives, everyday Jane and Joes, the curious and the humble. WE ARE PESOLIFE.
Please email:hi@pesolife.com for any Pesolife Art Collective audio-visual arts workshop, music production, photography and or research-related enquiries.
Our independent and collaborative social media handles on X and Instagram are as follows: @PESOLIFE, @MARSMEDDO, @KAYEORBIT, @PESOVISUALS.